Ole Müller


Research Interests

My interest lays in understanding how society and nature are interwoven along the coastline. To do this I combine the two aspects of my education. Natural Science and Data approaches from my Bachelors and Environmental Governance/ Geographical knowledge from my Masters.

I am currently using mainly Data and Network methods to improve our understanding on the dynamics of the global shipping network.


2020 - Well lets see PhD Student at the HIFMB

2020-2021 Lecturer for Integrated Coastal Zone Management at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven (DE)

2017-2019 Double Degree Masters Programm Water and Coastal Management(M.Sc) and Environmental and Infrastructure Planning(M.Sc.) at the Universities of Oldenburg(DE) and Groningen(NL)

2012-2017 Bachlors Degree in Maritime Technologie at the University of Applied Sciences in Bremerhaven (DE)