I am interested in the formation and fate of diversity ranging from molecules (chemodiversity) to organism (biodiversity). While I started my scientific journey with unravelling ultra-complex organic mixtures of marine dissolved organic matter (DOM), I now use data sciences, statistics and mathematical models to understand the diversity of unicellular plankton in the marine water column. My current focus is on genome size and cell size of unicellular plankton within environmental constraints that may form tipping points in biodiversity.
2025 - PostDoc at HIFMB within the Biodiversity Theory group and the Eco-Evolutionary Genomics group at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar- and Marine Research, Germany
2020 - 2025 PhD in the Marine Chemistry group (AG Harder) at the University of Bremen and Ecological Chemistry, Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar- and Marine Research, Germany
2016 - 2018 Master of Science in Chemistry, at the University of Bremen, Germany
2013 - 2016 Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, with two-subject studies in 1/3 biology and 2/3 chemistry at the University of Bremen, Germany