Master stability functions for metacommunities with two types of habitats
Alexander Krauß, Thilo Gross and Barbara Drossel
Phys. Rev. E 105, 044310, 2022
Current questions in ecology revolve around instabilities in the dynamics on spatial networks and particularly the effect of node heterogeneity. We extend the master stability function formalism to inhomogeneous biregular networks having two types of spatial nodes. Notably, this class of systems also allows the investigation of certain types of dynamics on higher-order networks. Combined with the generalized modeling approach to study the linear stability of steady states, this is a powerful tool to numerically asses the stability of large ensembles of systems. We analyze the stability of ecological metacommunities with two distinct types of habitats analytically and numerically in order to identify several sets of conditions under which the dynamics can become stabilized by dispersal. Our analytical approach allows general insights into stabilizing and destabilizing effects in metapopulations. Specifically, we identify self-regulation and negative feedback loops between source and sink populations as stabilizing mechanisms and we show that maladaptive dispersal may be stable under certain conditions.