Largenet2: an object-oriented programming library for simulating large adaptive networks
G. Zschaler and T. Gross
Bioinformatics 29, 277-278, 2012
The largenet2 C++ library provides an infrastructure for the simulation of large dynamic and adaptive networks with discrete node and link states. The library is released as free software. It is available at http://rincedd.github.com/ largenet2. Largenet2 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License.
Diagrammatic representation of the transformation rules for an epidemiological model (Gross et al., 2006). (a) a susceptible node (S) is infected through its link to an infectious neighbour (I) with probability p per S-I-link and unit time; (b) an infectious node (I) recovers with probability r; (c) a susceptible node (S) breaks its connection to an infectious neighbour (I) and rewires to another randomly selected susceptible node (dashed) with probability w. This last rule makes the network adaptive because it changes the topology depending on the node states.
Figure 1: Diagrammatic representation of the transformation rules for an epidemiological model (Gross et al., 2006). (a) a susceptible node (S) is infected through its link to an infectious neighbour (I) with probability p per S-I-link and unit time; (b) an infectious node (I) recovers with probability r; (c) a susceptible node (S) breaks its connection to an infectious neighbour (I) and rewires to another randomly selected susceptible node (dashed) with probability w. This last rule makes the network adaptive because it changes the topology depending on the node states.