Simple and Elegant
T Gross and U Feudel: Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems. Physical Review E 73, 016205, 2006.
T Gross: Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis (Der Andere Verlag, 2004)
JD Yeakel, D Stiefs, M Novak et al.: Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics. Theoretical Ecology 4, 179—194, 2011.
C Kuehn, S Siegmund and T Gross: Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 78, 1051—1077, 2012.
JC Massing and T Gross: Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9, 825052—19, 2022.
T Gross, L Rudolf, SA Levin et al.: Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs. Science 325, 747—750, 2009.
SJ Plitzko, B Drossel and C Guill: Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters. Journal of Theoretical Biology 306, 7—14, 2012.
JD Yeakel, MM Pires, L Rudolf et al.: Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 14472—14477, 2014.
H Aufderheide, L Rudolf, T Gross et al.: How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280, 20132355, 2013.
D Stiefs, G van Voorn, B Kooi et al.: Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis. The American Naturalist 176, 367—380, 2010.
C Aldebert, D Nerini, M Gauduchon et al.: Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality. Ecological Complexity 28, 163—173, 2016.
C Aldebert, BW Kooi, D Nerini et al.: Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79, 377—395, 2019.
JD Yeakel and M Mangel: A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships. Theoretical Ecology 8, 1—13, 2014.
M Baurmann, T Gross and U Feudel: Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 245, 220—229, 2007.
A Doizy, E Barter, J Memmott et al.: Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network. Scientific Reports 8, 13245, 2018.
D Stiefs, E Venturino and U Feudel: Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 6, 855—871, 2009.
S Awender, R Wackerbauer and GA Breed: Stability of generalized ecological-network models. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, 023106, 2021.
E Tromeur, L Rudolf and T Gross: Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 392, 1—11, 2016.
P Gramlich, SJ Plitzko, L Rudolf et al.: The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats. Journal of Theoretical Biology 398, 150—161, 2016.
A Brechtel, P Gramlich, D Ritterskamp et al.: Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks. Physical Review E 97, 032307, 2018.
A Brechtel, T Gross and B Drossel: Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs. Scientific Reports 9, 12268, 2019.
T Gross and U Feudel: Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs. Ocean Dynamics 59, 417—427, 2008.
H Aufderheide, L Rudolf and T Gross: Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs. New Journal of Physics 14, 105014, 2012.
R Steuer, T Gross, J Selbig et al.: Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 11868—11873, 2006.
E Reznik and D Segrè: On the stability of metabolic cycles. Journal of Theoretical Biology 266, 536—549, 2010.
R Steuer, AN Nesi, AR Fernie et al.: From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle. Bioinformatics 23, 1378—1385, 2007.
E Gehrmann, C Gläßer, Y Jin et al.: Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise. Physical Review E 84, 021913, 2011.
S Henkel, T Nägele, I Hörmiller et al.: A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2011, 2, 2011.
M Zumsande and T Gross: Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade. Journal of Theoretical Biology 265, 481—491, 2010.
M Zumsande, D Stiefs, S Siegmund et al.: General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling. Bone 48, 910—917, 2011.
JD Scheff, SE Calvano and IP Androulakis: Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 338, 9—15, 2013.
E Gehrmann and B Drossel: Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules. Physical Review E 82, 046120, 2010.
E Reznik, TJ Kaper and D Segrè: The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23, 013132, 2013.
SJ Lade, A Tavoni, SA Levin et al.: Regime shifts in a social-ecological system. Theoretical Ecology 6, 359—372, 2013.
SJ Lade, S Niiranen, J Hentati-Sundberg et al.: An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 11120—11125, 2015.
SJ Lade and S Niiranen: Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems. Natural Resource Modeling 30, e12129, 2017.
D Ritterskamp, G Demirel, BL MacCarthy et al.: Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 073103, 2018.
G Demirel, BL MacCarthy, D Ritterskamp et al.: Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling. Journal of Operations Management 65, 136—159, 2019.
E Barter, A Brechtel, B Drossel et al.: A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 477, 20200742, 2021.
SJ Lade and T Gross: Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach. PLoS Computational Biology 8, e1002360, 2012.
A Do, J Höfener and T Gross: Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications. New Journal of Physics 14, 115022, 2012.
B Knopf, M Flechsig and K Zickfeld: Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 13, 531—540, 2006.
JM Höfener, GC Sethia and T Gross: Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 95, 40002, 2011.
JM Höfener, GC Sethia and T Gross: Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371, 20120462, 2013.
C Kuehn and T Gross: Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems. Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 18, 693—720, 2013.
T Gross, W Ebenhöh and U Feudel: Long food chains are in general chaotic. Oikos 109, 135—144, 2005.
\bibitem{gross2006generalized} T Gross and U Feudel: Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems. Physical Review E 73, 016205, 2006. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016205]
\bibitem{gross2004population} T Gross: Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis (Der Andere Verlag, 2004)
\bibitem{yeakel2011generalized} JD Yeakel, D Stiefs, M Novak et al.: Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics. Theoretical Ecology 4, 179--194, 2011. [doi:10.1007/s12080-011-0112-6]
\bibitem{kuehn2012dynamical} C Kuehn, S Siegmund and T Gross: Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models. IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 78, 1051--1077, 2012. [doi:10.1093/imamat/hxs008]
\bibitem{massing2021generalized} JC Massing and T Gross: Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9, 825052--19, 2022. [doi:10.3389/fmolb.2022.825052]
\bibitem{gross2009generalized} T Gross, L Rudolf, SA Levin et al.: Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs. Science 325, 747--750, 2009. [doi:10.1126/science.1173536]
\bibitem{plitzko2012complexitystability} SJ Plitzko, B Drossel and C Guill: Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters. Journal of Theoretical Biology 306, 7--14, 2012. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.008]
\bibitem{yeakel2014collapse} JD Yeakel, MM Pires, L Rudolf et al.: Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, 14472--14477, 2014. [doi:10.1073/pnas.1408471111]
\bibitem{aufderheide2013predict} H Aufderheide, L Rudolf, T Gross et al.: How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280, 20132355, 2013. [doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2355]
\bibitem{stiefs2010food} D Stiefs, G van Voorn, B Kooi et al.: Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis. The American Naturalist 176, 367--380, 2010. [doi:10.1086/655429]
\bibitem{aldebert2016structural} C Aldebert, D Nerini, M Gauduchon et al.: Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality. Ecological Complexity 28, 163--173, 2016. [doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.05.004]
\bibitem{aldebert2019threedimensional} C Aldebert, BW Kooi, D Nerini et al.: Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79, 377--395, 2019. [doi:10.1137/18M1189257]
\bibitem{yeakel2014generalized} JD Yeakel and M Mangel: A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships. Theoretical Ecology 8, 1--13, 2014. [doi:10.1007/s12080-014-0230-z]
\bibitem{baurmann2007instabilities} M Baurmann, T Gross and U Feudel: Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 245, 220--229, 2007. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.09.036]
\bibitem{doizy2018impact} A Doizy, E Barter, J Memmott et al.: Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network. Scientific Reports 8, 13245, 2018. [doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31423-4]
\bibitem{stiefs2009evidence} D Stiefs, E Venturino and U Feudel: Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 6, 855--871, 2009. [doi:10.3934/mbe.2009.6.855]
\bibitem{awender2021stability} S Awender, R Wackerbauer and GA Breed: Stability of generalized ecological-network models. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, 023106, 2021. [doi:10.1063/5.0029934]
\bibitem{tromeur2016impact} E Tromeur, L Rudolf and T Gross: Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations. Journal of Theoretical Biology 392, 1--11, 2016. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.11.029]
\bibitem{gramlich2016influence} P Gramlich, SJ Plitzko, L Rudolf et al.: The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats. Journal of Theoretical Biology 398, 150--161, 2016. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.03.015]
\bibitem{brechtel2018master} A Brechtel, P Gramlich, D Ritterskamp et al.: Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks. Physical Review E 97, 032307, 2018. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.97.032307]
\bibitem{brechtel2019farranging} A Brechtel, T Gross and B Drossel: Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs. Scientific Reports 9, 12268, 2019. [doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48731-y]
\bibitem{gross2008local} T Gross and U Feudel: Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs. Ocean Dynamics 59, 417--427, 2008. [doi:10.1007/s10236-008-0165-2]
\bibitem{aufderheide2012mesoscale} H Aufderheide, L Rudolf and T Gross: Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs. New Journal of Physics 14, 105014, 2012. [doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/105014]
\bibitem{steuer2006structural} R Steuer, T Gross, J Selbig et al.: Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, 11868--11873, 2006. [doi:10.1073/pnas.0600013103]
\bibitem{reznik2010stability} E Reznik and D Segr\`{e}: On the stability of metabolic cycles. Journal of Theoretical Biology 266, 536--549, 2010. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.023]
\bibitem{steuer2007from} R Steuer, AN Nesi, AR Fernie et al.: From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle. Bioinformatics 23, 1378--1385, 2007. [doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm065]
\bibitem{gehrmann2011robustness} E Gehrmann, C Gl\"{a}{\ss}er, Y Jin et al.: Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise. Physical Review E 84, 021913, 2011. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021913]
\bibitem{henkel2011systems} S Henkel, T N\"{a}gele, I H\"{o}rmiller et al.: A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2011, 2, 2011. [doi:10.1186/1687-4153-2011-2]
\bibitem{zumsande2010bifurcations} M Zumsande and T Gross: Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade. Journal of Theoretical Biology 265, 481--491, 2010. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.04.025]
\bibitem{zumsande2011general} M Zumsande, D Stiefs, S Siegmund et al.: General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling. Bone 48, 910--917, 2011. [doi:10.1016/j.bone.2010.12.010]
\bibitem{scheff2013predicting} JD Scheff, SE Calvano and IP Androulakis: Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation. Journal of Theoretical Biology 338, 9--15, 2013. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.011]
\bibitem{gehrmann2010boolean} E Gehrmann and B Drossel: Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules. Physical Review E 82, 046120, 2010. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.046120]
\bibitem{reznik2013dynamics} E Reznik, TJ Kaper and D Segr\`{e}: The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23, 013132, 2013. [doi:10.1063/1.4793573]
\bibitem{lade2013regime} SJ Lade, A Tavoni, SA Levin et al.: Regime shifts in a social-ecological system. Theoretical Ecology 6, 359--372, 2013. [doi:10.1007/s12080-013-0187-3]
\bibitem{lade2015empirical} SJ Lade, S Niiranen, J Hentati-Sundberg et al.: An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, 11120--11125, 2015. [doi:10.1073/pnas.1504954112]
\bibitem{lade2017generalized} SJ Lade and S Niiranen: Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems. Natural Resource Modeling 30, e12129, 2017. [doi:10.1111/nrm.12129]
\bibitem{ritterskamp2018revealing} D Ritterskamp, G Demirel, BL MacCarthy et al.: Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, 073103, 2018. [doi:10.1063/1.5026746]
\bibitem{demirel2019identifying} G Demirel, BL MacCarthy, D Ritterskamp et al.: Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling. Journal of Operations Management 65, 136--159, 2019. [doi:10.1002/joom.1005]
\bibitem{barter2021closed} E Barter, A Brechtel, B Drossel et al.: A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 477, 20200742, 2021. [doi:10.1098/rspa.2020.0742]
\bibitem{lade2012early} SJ Lade and T Gross: Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach. PLoS Computational Biology 8, e1002360, 2012. [doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002360]
\bibitem{do2012engineering} A Do, J H\"{o}fener and T Gross: Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications. New Journal of Physics 14, 115022, 2012. [doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/115022]
\bibitem{knopf2006multiparameter} B Knopf, M Flechsig and K Zickfeld: Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 13, 531--540, 2006. [doi:10.5194/npg-13-531-2006]
\bibitem{hofener2011stability} JM H\"{o}fener, GC Sethia and T Gross: Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 95, 40002, 2011. [doi:10.1209/0295-5075/95/40002]
\bibitem{hofener2013amplitude} JM H\"{o}fener, GC Sethia and T Gross: Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371, 20120462, 2013. [doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0462]
\bibitem{kuehn2013nonlocal} C Kuehn and T Gross: Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems. Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 18, 693--720, 2013. [doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.693]
\bibitem{gross2005long} T Gross, W Ebenh\"{o}h and U Feudel: Long food chains are in general chaotic. Oikos 109, 135--144, 2005. [doi:10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13573.x]
American Physical Society
T Gross and U Feudel, Physical Review E
73, 016205, (2006).
T Gross: Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis, Der Andere Verlag, Tönning (2004).
JD Yeakel, D Stiefs, M Novak et al., Theoretical Ecology
4, 179—194, (2011).
C Kuehn, S Siegmund and T Gross, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
78, 1051—1077, (2012).
JC Massing and T Gross, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
9, 825052—19, (2022).
T Gross, L Rudolf, SA Levin et al., Science
325, 747—750, (2009).
SJ Plitzko, B Drossel and C Guill, Journal of Theoretical Biology
306, 7—14, (2012).
JD Yeakel, MM Pires, L Rudolf et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
111, 14472—14477, (2014).
H Aufderheide, L Rudolf, T Gross et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
280, 20132355, (2013).
D Stiefs, G van Voorn, B Kooi et al., The American Naturalist
176, 367—380, (2010).
C Aldebert, D Nerini, M Gauduchon et al., Ecological Complexity
28, 163—173, (2016).
C Aldebert, BW Kooi, D Nerini et al., SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
79, 377—395, (2019).
JD Yeakel and M Mangel, Theoretical Ecology
8, 1—13, (2014).
M Baurmann, T Gross and U Feudel, Journal of Theoretical Biology
245, 220—229, (2007).
A Doizy, E Barter, J Memmott et al., Scientific Reports
8, 13245, (2018).
D Stiefs, E Venturino and U Feudel, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
6, 855—871, (2009).
S Awender, R Wackerbauer and GA Breed, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
31, 023106, (2021).
E Tromeur, L Rudolf and T Gross, Journal of Theoretical Biology
392, 1—11, (2016).
P Gramlich, SJ Plitzko, L Rudolf et al., Journal of Theoretical Biology
398, 150—161, (2016).
A Brechtel, P Gramlich, D Ritterskamp et al., Physical Review E
97, 032307, (2018).
A Brechtel, T Gross and B Drossel, Scientific Reports
9, 12268, (2019).
T Gross and U Feudel, Ocean Dynamics
59, 417—427, (2008).
H Aufderheide, L Rudolf and T Gross, New Journal of Physics
14, 105014, (2012).
R Steuer, T Gross, J Selbig et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
103, 11868—11873, (2006).
E Reznik and D Segrè, Journal of Theoretical Biology
266, 536—549, (2010).
R Steuer, AN Nesi, AR Fernie et al., Bioinformatics
23, 1378—1385, (2007).
E Gehrmann, C Gläßer, Y Jin et al., Physical Review E
84, 021913, (2011).
S Henkel, T Nägele, I Hörmiller et al., EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
2011, 2, (2011).
M Zumsande and T Gross, Journal of Theoretical Biology
265, 481—491, (2010).
M Zumsande, D Stiefs, S Siegmund et al., Bone
48, 910—917, (2011).
JD Scheff, SE Calvano and IP Androulakis, Journal of Theoretical Biology
338, 9—15, (2013).
E Gehrmann and B Drossel, Physical Review E
82, 046120, (2010).
E Reznik, TJ Kaper and D Segrè, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
23, 013132, (2013).
SJ Lade, A Tavoni, SA Levin et al., Theoretical Ecology
6, 359—372, (2013).
SJ Lade, S Niiranen, J Hentati-Sundberg et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
112, 11120—11125, (2015).
SJ Lade and S Niiranen, Natural Resource Modeling
30, e12129, (2017).
D Ritterskamp, G Demirel, BL MacCarthy et al., Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
28, 073103, (2018).
G Demirel, BL MacCarthy, D Ritterskamp et al., Journal of Operations Management
65, 136—159, (2019).
E Barter, A Brechtel, B Drossel et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
477, 20200742, (2021).
SJ Lade and T Gross, PLoS Computational Biology
8, e1002360, (2012).
A Do, J Höfener and T Gross, New Journal of Physics
14, 115022, (2012).
B Knopf, M Flechsig and K Zickfeld, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
13, 531—540, (2006).
JM Höfener, GC Sethia and T Gross, EPL (Europhysics Letters)
95, 40002, (2011).
JM Höfener, GC Sethia and T Gross, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
371, 20120462, (2013).
C Kuehn and T Gross, Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B
18, 693—720, (2013).
T Gross, W Ebenhöh and U Feudel, Oikos
109, 135—144, (2005).
\bibitem{gross2006generalized} T Gross and U Feudel, Physical Review E \textbf{73}, 016205, (2006). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016205]
\bibitem{gross2004population} T Gross: Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis, Der Andere Verlag, T\"{o}nning (2004).
\bibitem{yeakel2011generalized} JD Yeakel, D Stiefs, M Novak et al., Theoretical Ecology \textbf{4}, 179--194, (2011). [doi:10.1007/s12080-011-0112-6]
\bibitem{kuehn2012dynamical} C Kuehn, S Siegmund and T Gross, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics \textbf{78}, 1051--1077, (2012). [doi:10.1093/imamat/hxs008]
\bibitem{massing2021generalized} JC Massing and T Gross, Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences \textbf{9}, 825052--19, (2022). [doi:10.3389/fmolb.2022.825052]
\bibitem{gross2009generalized} T Gross, L Rudolf, SA Levin et al., Science \textbf{325}, 747--750, (2009). [doi:10.1126/science.1173536]
\bibitem{plitzko2012complexitystability} SJ Plitzko, B Drossel and C Guill, Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{306}, 7--14, (2012). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.008]
\bibitem{yeakel2014collapse} JD Yeakel, MM Pires, L Rudolf et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences \textbf{111}, 14472--14477, (2014). [doi:10.1073/pnas.1408471111]
\bibitem{aufderheide2013predict} H Aufderheide, L Rudolf, T Gross et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences \textbf{280}, 20132355, (2013). [doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2355]
\bibitem{stiefs2010food} D Stiefs, G van Voorn, B Kooi et al., The American Naturalist \textbf{176}, 367--380, (2010). [doi:10.1086/655429]
\bibitem{aldebert2016structural} C Aldebert, D Nerini, M Gauduchon et al., Ecological Complexity \textbf{28}, 163--173, (2016). [doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.05.004]
\bibitem{aldebert2019threedimensional} C Aldebert, BW Kooi, D Nerini et al., SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics \textbf{79}, 377--395, (2019). [doi:10.1137/18M1189257]
\bibitem{yeakel2014generalized} JD Yeakel and M Mangel, Theoretical Ecology \textbf{8}, 1--13, (2014). [doi:10.1007/s12080-014-0230-z]
\bibitem{baurmann2007instabilities} M Baurmann, T Gross and U Feudel, Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{245}, 220--229, (2007). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.09.036]
\bibitem{doizy2018impact} A Doizy, E Barter, J Memmott et al., Scientific Reports \textbf{8}, 13245, (2018). [doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31423-4]
\bibitem{stiefs2009evidence} D Stiefs, E Venturino and U Feudel, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering \textbf{6}, 855--871, (2009). [doi:10.3934/mbe.2009.6.855]
\bibitem{awender2021stability} S Awender, R Wackerbauer and GA Breed, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science \textbf{31}, 023106, (2021). [doi:10.1063/5.0029934]
\bibitem{tromeur2016impact} E Tromeur, L Rudolf and T Gross, Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{392}, 1--11, (2016). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.11.029]
\bibitem{gramlich2016influence} P Gramlich, SJ Plitzko, L Rudolf et al., Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{398}, 150--161, (2016). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.03.015]
\bibitem{brechtel2018master} A Brechtel, P Gramlich, D Ritterskamp et al., Physical Review E \textbf{97}, 032307, (2018). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.97.032307]
\bibitem{brechtel2019farranging} A Brechtel, T Gross and B Drossel, Scientific Reports \textbf{9}, 12268, (2019). [doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48731-y]
\bibitem{gross2008local} T Gross and U Feudel, Ocean Dynamics \textbf{59}, 417--427, (2008). [doi:10.1007/s10236-008-0165-2]
\bibitem{aufderheide2012mesoscale} H Aufderheide, L Rudolf and T Gross, New Journal of Physics \textbf{14}, 105014, (2012). [doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/105014]
\bibitem{steuer2006structural} R Steuer, T Gross, J Selbig et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences \textbf{103}, 11868--11873, (2006). [doi:10.1073/pnas.0600013103]
\bibitem{reznik2010stability} E Reznik and D Segr\`{e}, Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{266}, 536--549, (2010). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.023]
\bibitem{steuer2007from} R Steuer, AN Nesi, AR Fernie et al., Bioinformatics \textbf{23}, 1378--1385, (2007). [doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm065]
\bibitem{gehrmann2011robustness} E Gehrmann, C Gl\"{a}{\ss}er, Y Jin et al., Physical Review E \textbf{84}, 021913, (2011). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021913]
\bibitem{henkel2011systems} S Henkel, T N\"{a}gele, I H\"{o}rmiller et al., EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology \textbf{2011}, 2, (2011). [doi:10.1186/1687-4153-2011-2]
\bibitem{zumsande2010bifurcations} M Zumsande and T Gross, Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{265}, 481--491, (2010). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.04.025]
\bibitem{zumsande2011general} M Zumsande, D Stiefs, S Siegmund et al., Bone \textbf{48}, 910--917, (2011). [doi:10.1016/j.bone.2010.12.010]
\bibitem{scheff2013predicting} JD Scheff, SE Calvano and IP Androulakis, Journal of Theoretical Biology \textbf{338}, 9--15, (2013). [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.011]
\bibitem{gehrmann2010boolean} E Gehrmann and B Drossel, Physical Review E \textbf{82}, 046120, (2010). [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.046120]
\bibitem{reznik2013dynamics} E Reznik, TJ Kaper and D Segr\`{e}, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science \textbf{23}, 013132, (2013). [doi:10.1063/1.4793573]
\bibitem{lade2013regime} SJ Lade, A Tavoni, SA Levin et al., Theoretical Ecology \textbf{6}, 359--372, (2013). [doi:10.1007/s12080-013-0187-3]
\bibitem{lade2015empirical} SJ Lade, S Niiranen, J Hentati-Sundberg et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences \textbf{112}, 11120--11125, (2015). [doi:10.1073/pnas.1504954112]
\bibitem{lade2017generalized} SJ Lade and S Niiranen, Natural Resource Modeling \textbf{30}, e12129, (2017). [doi:10.1111/nrm.12129]
\bibitem{ritterskamp2018revealing} D Ritterskamp, G Demirel, BL MacCarthy et al., Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science \textbf{28}, 073103, (2018). [doi:10.1063/1.5026746]
\bibitem{demirel2019identifying} G Demirel, BL MacCarthy, D Ritterskamp et al., Journal of Operations Management \textbf{65}, 136--159, (2019). [doi:10.1002/joom.1005]
\bibitem{barter2021closed} E Barter, A Brechtel, B Drossel et al., Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences \textbf{477}, 20200742, (2021). [doi:10.1098/rspa.2020.0742]
\bibitem{lade2012early} SJ Lade and T Gross, PLoS Computational Biology \textbf{8}, e1002360, (2012). [doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002360]
\bibitem{do2012engineering} A Do, J H\"{o}fener and T Gross, New Journal of Physics \textbf{14}, 115022, (2012). [doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/115022]
\bibitem{knopf2006multiparameter} B Knopf, M Flechsig and K Zickfeld, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics \textbf{13}, 531--540, (2006). [doi:10.5194/npg-13-531-2006]
\bibitem{hofener2011stability} JM H\"{o}fener, GC Sethia and T Gross, EPL (Europhysics Letters) \textbf{95}, 40002, (2011). [doi:10.1209/0295-5075/95/40002]
\bibitem{hofener2013amplitude} JM H\"{o}fener, GC Sethia and T Gross, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences \textbf{371}, 20120462, (2013). [doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0462]
\bibitem{kuehn2013nonlocal} C Kuehn and T Gross, Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems - B \textbf{18}, 693--720, (2013). [doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.693]
\bibitem{gross2005long} T Gross, W Ebenh\"{o}h and U Feudel, Oikos \textbf{109}, 135--144, (2005). [doi:10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13573.x]
Gross, T., and Feudel, U. (2006) ‘Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems’.
Physical Review E, 73(1), 016205.
Gross, T. (2004)
Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis. Tönning: Der Andere Verlag.
Yeakel, J. D., Stiefs, D., Novak, M., and Gross, T. (2011) ‘Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics’.
Theoretical Ecology, 4(2), 179—194.
Kuehn, C., Siegmund, S., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models’.
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 78(5), 1051—1077.
Massing, J. C., and Gross, T. (2022) ‘Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide’.
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 9, 825052—19.
Gross, T., Rudolf, L., Levin, S. A., and Dieckmann, U. (2009) ‘Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs’.
Science, 325(5941), 747—750.
Plitzko, S. J., Drossel, B., and Guill, C. (2012) ‘Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 306, 7—14.
Yeakel, J. D., Pires, M. M., Rudolf, L., Dominy, N. J., Koch, P. L. et al. (2014) ‘Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt’.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(40), 14472—14477.
Aufderheide, H., Rudolf, L., Gross, T., and Lafferty, K. D. (2013) ‘How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity’.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280(1773), 20132355.
Stiefs, D., van Voorn, G., Kooi, B., Feudel, U., and Gross, T. (2010) ‘Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis’.
The American Naturalist, 176(3), 367—380.
Aldebert, C., Nerini, D., Gauduchon, M., and Poggiale, J. (2016) ‘Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality’.
Ecological Complexity, 28, 163—173.
Aldebert, C., Kooi, B. W., Nerini, D., Gauduchon, M., and Poggiale, J. (2019) ‘Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation’.
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 79(1), 377—395.
Yeakel, J. D., and Mangel, M. (2014) ‘A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships’.
Theoretical Ecology, 8(1), 1—13.
Baurmann, M., Gross, T., and Feudel, U. (2007) ‘Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 245(2), 220—229.
Doizy, A., Barter, E., Memmott, J., Varnham, K., and Gross, T. (2018) ‘Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network’.
Scientific Reports, 8(1), 13245.
Stiefs, D. ., Venturino, E., and Feudel, U. (2009) ‘Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models’.
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 6(4), 855—871.
Awender, S., Wackerbauer, R., and Breed, G. A. (2021) ‘Stability of generalized ecological-network models’.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31(2), 023106.
Tromeur, E., Rudolf, L., and Gross, T. (2016) ‘Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 392, 1—11.
Gramlich, P., Plitzko, S. J., Rudolf, L., Drossel, B., and Gross, T. (2016) ‘The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 398, 150—161.
Brechtel, A., Gramlich, P., Ritterskamp, D., Drossel, B., and Gross, T. (2018) ‘Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks’.
Physical Review E, 97(3), 032307.
Brechtel, A., Gross, T., and Drossel, B. (2019) ‘Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs’.
Scientific Reports, 9(1), 12268.
Gross, T., and Feudel, U. (2008) ‘Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs’.
Ocean Dynamics, 59(2), 417—427.
Aufderheide, H., Rudolf, L., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs’.
New Journal of Physics, 14(10), 105014.
Steuer, R., Gross, T., Selbig, J., and Blasius, B. (2006) ‘Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks’.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 103(32), 11868—11873.
Reznik, E., and Segrè, D. (2010) ‘On the stability of metabolic cycles’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 266(4), 536—549.
Steuer, R., Nesi, A. N., Fernie, A. R., Gross, T., Blasius, B. et al. (2007) ‘From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle’.
Bioinformatics, 23(11), 1378—1385.
Gehrmann, E., Gläßer, C., Jin, Y., Sendhoff, B., Drossel, B. et al. (2011) ‘Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise’.
Physical Review E, 84(2), 021913.
Henkel, S., Nägele, T., Hörmiller, I., Sauter, T., Sawodny, O. et al. (2011) ‘A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana’.
EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2011(1), 2.
Zumsande, M., and Gross, T. (2010) ‘Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 265(3), 481—491.
Zumsande, M., Stiefs, D., Siegmund, S., and Gross, T. (2011) ‘General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling’.
Bone, 48(4), 910—917.
Scheff, J. D., Calvano, S. E., and Androulakis, I. P. (2013) ‘Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation’.
Journal of Theoretical Biology, 338, 9—15.
Gehrmann, E., and Drossel, B. (2010) ‘Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules’.
Physical Review E, 82(4), 046120.
Reznik, E., Kaper, T. J., and Segrè, D. (2013) ‘The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators’.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 23(1), 013132.
Lade, S. J., Tavoni, A., Levin, S. A., and Schlüter, M. (2013) ‘Regime shifts in a social-ecological system’.
Theoretical Ecology, 6(3), 359—372.
Lade, S. J., Niiranen, S., Hentati-Sundberg, J., Blenckner, T., Boonstra, W. J. et al. (2015) ‘An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts’.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(35), 11120—11125.
Lade, S. J., and Niiranen, S. (2017) ‘Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems’.
Natural Resource Modeling, 30(3), e12129.
Ritterskamp, D., Demirel, G., MacCarthy, B. L., Rudolf, L., Champneys, A. R. et al. (2018) ‘Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis’.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28(7), 073103.
Demirel, G., MacCarthy, B. L., Ritterskamp, D., Champneys, A. R., and Gross, T. (2019) ‘Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling’.
Journal of Operations Management, 65(2), 136—159.
Barter, E., Brechtel, A., Drossel, B., and Gross, T. (2021) ‘A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics’.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 477(2247), 20200742.
Lade, S. J., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach’.
PLoS Computational Biology, 8(2), e1002360.
Do, A., Höfener, J., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications’.
New Journal of Physics, 14(11), 115022.
Knopf, B., Flechsig, M., and Zickfeld, K. (2006) ‘Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point’.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 13(5), 531—540.
Höfener, J. M., Sethia, G. C., and Gross, T. (2011) ‘Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators’.
EPL (Europhysics Letters), 95(4), 40002.
Höfener, J. M., Sethia, G. C., and Gross, T. (2013) ‘Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators’.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 371(1999), 20120462.
Kuehn, C., and Gross, T. (2013) ‘Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems’.
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B, 18(3), 693—720.
Gross, T., Ebenhöh, W., and Feudel, U. (2005) ‘Long food chains are in general chaotic’.
Oikos, 109(1), 135—144.
\bibitem{gross2006generalized} Gross, T., and Feudel, U. (2006) ‘Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems'. \textit{Physical Review E}, 73(1), 016205. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016205]
\bibitem{gross2004population} Gross, T. (2004) \textit{Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis}. T\"{o}nning: Der Andere Verlag.
\bibitem{yeakel2011generalized} Yeakel, J. D., Stiefs, D., Novak, M., and Gross, T. (2011) ‘Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics'. \textit{Theoretical Ecology}, 4(2), 179--194. [doi:10.1007/s12080-011-0112-6]
\bibitem{kuehn2012dynamical} Kuehn, C., Siegmund, S., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models'. \textit{IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics}, 78(5), 1051--1077. [doi:10.1093/imamat/hxs008]
\bibitem{massing2021generalized} Massing, J. C., and Gross, T. (2022) ‘Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide'. \textit{Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences}, 9, 825052--19. [doi:10.3389/fmolb.2022.825052]
\bibitem{gross2009generalized} Gross, T., Rudolf, L., Levin, S. A., and Dieckmann, U. (2009) ‘Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs'. \textit{Science}, 325(5941), 747--750. [doi:10.1126/science.1173536]
\bibitem{plitzko2012complexitystability} Plitzko, S. J., Drossel, B., and Guill, C. (2012) ‘Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 306, 7--14. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.008]
\bibitem{yeakel2014collapse} Yeakel, J. D., Pires, M. M., Rudolf, L., Dominy, N. J., Koch, P. L. et al. (2014) ‘Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt'. \textit{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, 111(40), 14472--14477. [doi:10.1073/pnas.1408471111]
\bibitem{aufderheide2013predict} Aufderheide, H., Rudolf, L., Gross, T., and Lafferty, K. D. (2013) ‘How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity'. \textit{Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences}, 280(1773), 20132355. [doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2355]
\bibitem{stiefs2010food} Stiefs, D., van Voorn, G., Kooi, B., Feudel, U., and Gross, T. (2010) ‘Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis'. \textit{The American Naturalist}, 176(3), 367--380. [doi:10.1086/655429]
\bibitem{aldebert2016structural} Aldebert, C., Nerini, D., Gauduchon, M., and Poggiale, J. (2016) ‘Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality'. \textit{Ecological Complexity}, 28, 163--173. [doi:10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.05.004]
\bibitem{aldebert2019threedimensional} Aldebert, C., Kooi, B. W., Nerini, D., Gauduchon, M., and Poggiale, J. (2019) ‘Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation'. \textit{SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics}, 79(1), 377--395. [doi:10.1137/18M1189257]
\bibitem{yeakel2014generalized} Yeakel, J. D., and Mangel, M. (2014) ‘A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships'. \textit{Theoretical Ecology}, 8(1), 1--13. [doi:10.1007/s12080-014-0230-z]
\bibitem{baurmann2007instabilities} Baurmann, M., Gross, T., and Feudel, U. (2007) ‘Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 245(2), 220--229. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.09.036]
\bibitem{doizy2018impact} Doizy, A., Barter, E., Memmott, J., Varnham, K., and Gross, T. (2018) ‘Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network'. \textit{Scientific Reports}, 8(1), 13245. [doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31423-4]
\bibitem{stiefs2009evidence} Stiefs, D. ., Venturino, E., and Feudel, U. (2009) ‘Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models'. \textit{Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering}, 6(4), 855--871. [doi:10.3934/mbe.2009.6.855]
\bibitem{awender2021stability} Awender, S., Wackerbauer, R., and Breed, G. A. (2021) ‘Stability of generalized ecological-network models'. \textit{Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science}, 31(2), 023106. [doi:10.1063/5.0029934]
\bibitem{tromeur2016impact} Tromeur, E., Rudolf, L., and Gross, T. (2016) ‘Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 392, 1--11. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.11.029]
\bibitem{gramlich2016influence} Gramlich, P., Plitzko, S. J., Rudolf, L., Drossel, B., and Gross, T. (2016) ‘The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 398, 150--161. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.03.015]
\bibitem{brechtel2018master} Brechtel, A., Gramlich, P., Ritterskamp, D., Drossel, B., and Gross, T. (2018) ‘Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks'. \textit{Physical Review E}, 97(3), 032307. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.97.032307]
\bibitem{brechtel2019farranging} Brechtel, A., Gross, T., and Drossel, B. (2019) ‘Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs'. \textit{Scientific Reports}, 9(1), 12268. [doi:10.1038/s41598-019-48731-y]
\bibitem{gross2008local} Gross, T., and Feudel, U. (2008) ‘Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs'. \textit{Ocean Dynamics}, 59(2), 417--427. [doi:10.1007/s10236-008-0165-2]
\bibitem{aufderheide2012mesoscale} Aufderheide, H., Rudolf, L., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs'. \textit{New Journal of Physics}, 14(10), 105014. [doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/105014]
\bibitem{steuer2006structural} Steuer, R., Gross, T., Selbig, J., and Blasius, B. (2006) ‘Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks'. \textit{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, 103(32), 11868--11873. [doi:10.1073/pnas.0600013103]
\bibitem{reznik2010stability} Reznik, E., and Segr\`{e}, D. (2010) ‘On the stability of metabolic cycles'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 266(4), 536--549. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.023]
\bibitem{steuer2007from} Steuer, R., Nesi, A. N., Fernie, A. R., Gross, T., Blasius, B. et al. (2007) ‘From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle'. \textit{Bioinformatics}, 23(11), 1378--1385. [doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btm065]
\bibitem{gehrmann2011robustness} Gehrmann, E., Gl\"{a}{\ss}er, C., Jin, Y., Sendhoff, B., Drossel, B. et al. (2011) ‘Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise'. \textit{Physical Review E}, 84(2), 021913. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021913]
\bibitem{henkel2011systems} Henkel, S., N\"{a}gele, T., H\"{o}rmiller, I., Sauter, T., Sawodny, O. et al. (2011) ‘A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana'. \textit{EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology}, 2011(1), 2. [doi:10.1186/1687-4153-2011-2]
\bibitem{zumsande2010bifurcations} Zumsande, M., and Gross, T. (2010) ‘Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 265(3), 481--491. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.04.025]
\bibitem{zumsande2011general} Zumsande, M., Stiefs, D., Siegmund, S., and Gross, T. (2011) ‘General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling'. \textit{Bone}, 48(4), 910--917. [doi:10.1016/j.bone.2010.12.010]
\bibitem{scheff2013predicting} Scheff, J. D., Calvano, S. E., and Androulakis, I. P. (2013) ‘Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation'. \textit{Journal of Theoretical Biology}, 338, 9--15. [doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.011]
\bibitem{gehrmann2010boolean} Gehrmann, E., and Drossel, B. (2010) ‘Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules'. \textit{Physical Review E}, 82(4), 046120. [doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.82.046120]
\bibitem{reznik2013dynamics} Reznik, E., Kaper, T. J., and Segr\`{e}, D. (2013) ‘The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators'. \textit{Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science}, 23(1), 013132. [doi:10.1063/1.4793573]
\bibitem{lade2013regime} Lade, S. J., Tavoni, A., Levin, S. A., and Schl\"{u}ter, M. (2013) ‘Regime shifts in a social-ecological system'. \textit{Theoretical Ecology}, 6(3), 359--372. [doi:10.1007/s12080-013-0187-3]
\bibitem{lade2015empirical} Lade, S. J., Niiranen, S., Hentati-Sundberg, J., Blenckner, T., Boonstra, W. J. et al. (2015) ‘An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts'. \textit{Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}, 112(35), 11120--11125. [doi:10.1073/pnas.1504954112]
\bibitem{lade2017generalized} Lade, S. J., and Niiranen, S. (2017) ‘Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems'. \textit{Natural Resource Modeling}, 30(3), e12129. [doi:10.1111/nrm.12129]
\bibitem{ritterskamp2018revealing} Ritterskamp, D., Demirel, G., MacCarthy, B. L., Rudolf, L., Champneys, A. R. et al. (2018) ‘Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis'. \textit{Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science}, 28(7), 073103. [doi:10.1063/1.5026746]
\bibitem{demirel2019identifying} Demirel, G., MacCarthy, B. L., Ritterskamp, D., Champneys, A. R., and Gross, T. (2019) ‘Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling'. \textit{Journal of Operations Management}, 65(2), 136--159. [doi:10.1002/joom.1005]
\bibitem{barter2021closed} Barter, E., Brechtel, A., Drossel, B., and Gross, T. (2021) ‘A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics'. \textit{Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}, 477(2247), 20200742. [doi:10.1098/rspa.2020.0742]
\bibitem{lade2012early} Lade, S. J., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach'. \textit{PLoS Computational Biology}, 8(2), e1002360. [doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002360]
\bibitem{do2012engineering} Do, A., H\"{o}fener, J., and Gross, T. (2012) ‘Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications'. \textit{New Journal of Physics}, 14(11), 115022. [doi:10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/115022]
\bibitem{knopf2006multiparameter} Knopf, B., Flechsig, M., and Zickfeld, K. (2006) ‘Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point'. \textit{Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics}, 13(5), 531--540. [doi:10.5194/npg-13-531-2006]
\bibitem{hofener2011stability} H\"{o}fener, J. M., Sethia, G. C., and Gross, T. (2011) ‘Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators'. \textit{EPL (Europhysics Letters)}, 95(4), 40002. [doi:10.1209/0295-5075/95/40002]
\bibitem{hofener2013amplitude} H\"{o}fener, J. M., Sethia, G. C., and Gross, T. (2013) ‘Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators'. \textit{Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences}, 371(1999), 20120462. [doi:10.1098/rsta.2012.0462]
\bibitem{kuehn2013nonlocal} Kuehn, C., and Gross, T. (2013) ‘Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems'. \textit{Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B}, 18(3), 693--720. [doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.693]
\bibitem{gross2005long} Gross, T., Ebenh\"{o}h, W., and Feudel, U. (2005) ‘Long food chains are in general chaotic'. \textit{Oikos}, 109(1), 135--144. [doi:10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13573.x]
Gross, Thilo, and Feudel, Ulrike. “Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems.”
Physical Review E 73, no. 1 (2006) 016205.
Gross, Thilo.
Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis. Tönning: Der Andere Verlag, 2004.
Yeakel, Justin D., Stiefs, Dirk, Novak, Mark, and Gross, Thilo. “Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics.”
Theoretical Ecology 4, no. 2 (2011) 179—194.
Kuehn, Christian, Siegmund, Stefan, and Gross, Thilo. “Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models.”
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 78, no. 5 (2012) 1051—1077.
Massing, Jana C., and Gross, Thilo. “Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide.”
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 9 (2022) 825052—19.
Gross, Thilo, Rudolf, Lars, Levin, Simon A,, and Dieckmann, Ulf. “Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs.”
Science 325, no. 5941 (2009) 747—750.
Plitzko, Sebastian J., Drossel, Barbara, and Guill, Christian. “Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 306 (2012) 7—14.
Yeakel, Justin D., Pires, Mathias M., Rudolf, Lars, Dominy, Nathaniel J., Koch, Paul L. et al. “Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111, no. 40 (2014) 14472—14477.
Aufderheide, Helge, Rudolf, Lars, Gross, Thilo, and Lafferty, Kevin D.. “How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity.”
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 280, no. 1773 (2013) 20132355.
Stiefs, Dirk, van Voorn, George A. K., Kooi, Bob W., Feudel, Ulrike, and Gross, Thilo. “Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis.”
The American Naturalist 176, no. 3 (2010) 367—380.
Aldebert, C., Nerini, D., Gauduchon, M., and Poggiale, J.C.. “Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality.”
Ecological Complexity 28 (2016) 163—173.
Aldebert, Clement, Kooi, Bob W., Nerini, David, Gauduchon, Mathias, and Poggiale, Jean-Christophe. “Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation.”
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79, no. 1 (2019) 377—395.
Yeakel, Justin D., and Mangel, Marc. “A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships.”
Theoretical Ecology 8, no. 1 (2014) 1—13.
Baurmann, Martin, Gross, Thilo, and Feudel, Ulrike. “Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 245, no. 2 (2007) 220—229.
Doizy, Anna, Barter, Edmund, Memmott, Jane, Varnham, Karen, and Gross, Thilo. “Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network.”
Scientific Reports 8, no. 1 (2018) 13245.
Stiefs, Dirk , Venturino, Ezio, and Feudel, Ulrike. “Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models.”
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 6, no. 4 (2009) 855—871.
Awender, Stefan, Wackerbauer, Renate, and Breed, Greg A.. “Stability of generalized ecological-network models.”
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 31, no. 2 (2021) 023106.
Tromeur, Eric, Rudolf, Lars, and Gross, Thilo. “Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 392 (2016) 1—11.
Gramlich, Philipp, Plitzko, Sebastian J., Rudolf, Lars, Drossel, Barbara, and Gross, Thilo. “The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 398 (2016) 150—161.
Brechtel, Andreas, Gramlich, Philipp, Ritterskamp, Daniel, Drossel, Barbara, and Gross, Thilo. “Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks.”
Physical Review E 97, no. 3 (2018) 032307.
Brechtel, Andreas, Gross, Thilo, and Drossel, Barbara. “Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs.”
Scientific Reports 9, no. 1 (2019) 12268.
Gross, Thilo, and Feudel, Ulrike. “Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs.”
Ocean Dynamics 59, no. 2 (2008) 417—427.
Aufderheide, Helge, Rudolf, Lars, and Gross, Thilo. “Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs.”
New Journal of Physics 14, no. 10 (2012) 105014.
Steuer, R., Gross, T., Selbig, J., and Blasius, B.. “Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103, no. 32 (2006) 11868—11873.
Reznik, Ed, and Segrè, Daniel. “On the stability of metabolic cycles.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 266, no. 4 (2010) 536—549.
Steuer, R., Nesi, A. N., Fernie, A. R., Gross, T., Blasius, B. et al. “From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle.”
Bioinformatics 23, no. 11 (2007) 1378—1385.
Gehrmann, Eva, Gläßer, Christine, Jin, Yaochu, Sendhoff, Bernhard, Drossel, Barbara et al. “Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise.”
Physical Review E 84, no. 2 (2011) 021913.
Henkel, Sebastian, Nägele, Thomas, Hörmiller, Imke, Sauter, Thomas, Sawodny, Oliver et al. “A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana.”
EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology 2011, no. 1 (2011) 2.
Zumsande, Martin, and Gross, Thilo. “Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 265, no. 3 (2010) 481—491.
Zumsande, Martin, Stiefs, Dirk, Siegmund, Stefan, and Gross, Thilo. “General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling.”
Bone 48, no. 4 (2011) 910—917.
Scheff, Jeremy D., Calvano, Steve E., and Androulakis, Ioannis P.. “Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation.”
Journal of Theoretical Biology 338 (2013) 9—15.
Gehrmann, Eva, and Drossel, Barbara. “Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules.”
Physical Review E 82, no. 4 (2010) 046120.
Reznik, Ed, Kaper, Tasso J., and Segrè, Daniel. “The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators.”
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 23, no. 1 (2013) 013132.
Lade, Steven J., Tavoni, Alessandro, Levin, Simon A., and Schlüter, Maja. “Regime shifts in a social-ecological system.”
Theoretical Ecology 6, no. 3 (2013) 359—372.
Lade, Steven J., Niiranen, Susa, Hentati-Sundberg, Jonas, Blenckner, Thorsten, Boonstra, Wiebren J. et al. “An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 35 (2015) 11120—11125.
Lade, Steven J., and Niiranen, Susa. “Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems.”
Natural Resource Modeling 30, no. 3 (2017) e12129.
Ritterskamp, Daniel, Demirel, Güven, MacCarthy, Bart L., Rudolf, Lars, Champneys, Alan R. et al. “Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis.”
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 28, no. 7 (2018) 073103.
Demirel, Güven, MacCarthy, Bart L., Ritterskamp, Daniel, Champneys, Alan R., and Gross, Thilo. “Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling.”
Journal of Operations Management 65, no. 2 (2019) 136—159.
Barter, Edmund, Brechtel, Andreas, Drossel, Barbara, and Gross, Thilo. “A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics.”
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 477, no. 2247 (2021) 20200742.
Lade, Steven J., and Gross, Thilo. “Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach.”
PLoS Computational Biology 8, no. 2 (2012) e1002360.
Do, Anne-Ly, Höfener, Johannes, and Gross, Thilo. “Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications.”
New Journal of Physics 14, no. 11 (2012) 115022.
Knopf, B., Flechsig, M., and Zickfeld, K.. “Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point.”
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 13, no. 5 (2006) 531—540.
Höfener, J. M., Sethia, G. C., and Gross, T.. “Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators.”
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 95, no. 4 (2011) 40002.
Höfener, Johannes M., Sethia, Gautam C., and Gross, Thilo. “Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators.”
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371, no. 1999 (2013) 20120462.
Kuehn, Christian, and Gross, Thilo. “Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems.”
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 18, no. 3 (2013) 693—720.
Gross, Thilo, Ebenhöh, Wolfgang, and Feudel, Ulrike. “Long food chains are in general chaotic.”
Oikos 109, no. 1 (2005) 135—144.
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\bibitem{kuehn2012dynamical} Kuehn, Christian, Siegmund, Stefan, and Gross, Thilo. ‘‘Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models.'' \textit{IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics} 78, no.~5 (2012) 1051--1077. [doi:10.1093/imamat/hxs008]
\bibitem{massing2021generalized} Massing, Jana C., and Gross, Thilo. ‘‘Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide.'' \textit{Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences} 9 (2022) 825052--19. [doi:10.3389/fmolb.2022.825052]
\bibitem{gross2009generalized} Gross, Thilo, Rudolf, Lars, Levin, Simon A,, and Dieckmann, Ulf. ‘‘Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs.'' \textit{Science} 325, no.~5941 (2009) 747--750. [doi:10.1126/science.1173536]
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\bibitem{aufderheide2013predict} Aufderheide, Helge, Rudolf, Lars, Gross, Thilo, and Lafferty, Kevin D.. ‘‘How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity.'' \textit{Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences} 280, no.~1773 (2013) 20132355. [doi:10.1098/rspb.2013.2355]
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\bibitem{gross2005long} Gross, Thilo, Ebenh\"{o}h, Wolfgang, and Feudel, Ulrike. ‘‘Long food chains are in general chaotic.'' \textit{Oikos} 109, no.~1 (2005) 135--144. [doi:10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13573.x]
title = {Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems},
year = {2006},
author = {Gross, Thilo and Feudel, Ulrike},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016205},
number = {1},
journal = {Physical Review E},
volume = {73},
pages = {016205},
title = {Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis},
year = {2004},
author = {Gross, Thilo},
publisher = {Der Andere Verlag},
address = {T\"{o}nning},
title = {Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics},
year = {2011},
author = {Yeakel, Justin D. and Stiefs, Dirk and Novak, Mark and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1007/s12080-011-0112-6},
number = {2},
journal = {Theoretical Ecology},
volume = {4},
pages = {179--194},
title = {Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models},
year = {2012},
author = {Kuehn, Christian and Siegmund, Stefan and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1093/imamat/hxs008},
number = {5},
journal = {IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics},
volume = {78},
pages = {1051--1077},
title = {Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide},
year = {2022},
author = {Massing, Jana C. and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.3389/fmolb.2022.825052},
journal = {Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences},
volume = {9},
pages = {825052--19},
title = {Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs},
year = {2009},
author = {Gross, Thilo and Rudolf, Lars and Levin, Simon A, and Dieckmann, Ulf},
doi = {10.1126/science.1173536},
number = {5941},
journal = {Science},
volume = {325},
pages = {747--750},
title = {Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters},
year = {2012},
author = {Plitzko, Sebastian J. and Drossel, Barbara and Guill, Christian},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.008},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {306},
pages = {7--14},
title = {Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt},
year = {2014},
author = {Yeakel, Justin D. and Pires, Mathias M. and Rudolf, Lars and Dominy, Nathaniel J. and Koch, Paul L. and Jr., Paulo R. Guimar\~{a}es and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.1408471111},
number = {40},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
volume = {111},
pages = {14472--14477},
title = {How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity},
year = {2013},
author = {Aufderheide, Helge and Rudolf, Lars and Gross, Thilo and Lafferty, Kevin D.},
doi = {10.1098/rspb.2013.2355},
number = {1773},
journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences},
volume = {280},
pages = {20132355},
title = {Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis},
year = {2010},
author = {Stiefs, Dirk and van Voorn, George A. K. and Kooi, Bob W. and Feudel, Ulrike and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1086/655429},
number = {3},
journal = {The American Naturalist},
volume = {176},
pages = {367--380},
title = {Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality},
year = {2016},
author = {Aldebert, C. and Nerini, D. and Gauduchon, M. and Poggiale, J.C.},
doi = {10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.05.004},
journal = {Ecological Complexity},
volume = {28},
pages = {163--173},
title = {Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation},
year = {2019},
author = {Aldebert, Clement and Kooi, Bob W. and Nerini, David and Gauduchon, Mathias and Poggiale, Jean-Christophe},
doi = {10.1137/18M1189257},
number = {1},
journal = {SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics},
volume = {79},
pages = {377--395},
title = {A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships},
year = {2014},
author = {Yeakel, Justin D. and Mangel, Marc},
doi = {10.1007/s12080-014-0230-z},
number = {1},
journal = {Theoretical Ecology},
volume = {8},
pages = {1--13},
title = {Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations},
year = {2007},
author = {Baurmann, Martin and Gross, Thilo and Feudel, Ulrike},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.09.036},
number = {2},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {245},
pages = {220--229},
title = {Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network},
year = {2018},
author = {Doizy, Anna and Barter, Edmund and Memmott, Jane and Varnham, Karen and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1038/s41598-018-31423-4},
number = {1},
journal = {Scientific Reports},
volume = {8},
pages = {13245},
title = {Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models},
year = {2009},
author = {Stiefs, Dirk and Venturino, Ezio and Feudel, Ulrike},
doi = {10.3934/mbe.2009.6.855},
number = {4},
journal = {Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering},
volume = {6},
pages = {855--871},
title = {Stability of generalized ecological-network models},
year = {2021},
author = {Awender, Stefan and Wackerbauer, Renate and Breed, Greg A.},
doi = {10.1063/5.0029934},
number = {2},
journal = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science},
volume = {31},
pages = {023106},
title = {Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations},
year = {2016},
author = {Tromeur, Eric and Rudolf, Lars and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.11.029},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {392},
pages = {1--11},
title = {The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats},
year = {2016},
author = {Gramlich, Philipp and Plitzko, Sebastian J. and Rudolf, Lars and Drossel, Barbara and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.03.015},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {398},
pages = {150--161},
title = {Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks},
year = {2018},
author = {Brechtel, Andreas and Gramlich, Philipp and Ritterskamp, Daniel and Drossel, Barbara and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.97.032307},
number = {3},
journal = {Physical Review E},
volume = {97},
pages = {032307},
title = {Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs},
year = {2019},
author = {Brechtel, Andreas and Gross, Thilo and Drossel, Barbara},
doi = {10.1038/s41598-019-48731-y},
number = {1},
journal = {Scientific Reports},
volume = {9},
pages = {12268},
title = {Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs},
year = {2008},
author = {Gross, Thilo and Feudel, Ulrike},
doi = {10.1007/s10236-008-0165-2},
number = {2},
journal = {Ocean Dynamics},
volume = {59},
pages = {417--427},
title = {Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs},
year = {2012},
author = {Aufderheide, Helge and Rudolf, Lars and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/105014},
number = {10},
journal = {New Journal of Physics},
volume = {14},
pages = {105014},
title = {Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks},
year = {2006},
author = {Steuer, R. and Gross, T. and Selbig, J. and Blasius, B.},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.0600013103},
number = {32},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
volume = {103},
pages = {11868--11873},
title = {On the stability of metabolic cycles},
year = {2010},
author = {Reznik, Ed and Segr\`{e}, Daniel},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.023},
number = {4},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {266},
pages = {536--549},
title = {From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle},
year = {2007},
author = {Steuer, R. and Nesi, A. N. and Fernie, A. R. and Gross, T. and Blasius, B. and Selbig, J.},
doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btm065},
number = {11},
journal = {Bioinformatics},
volume = {23},
pages = {1378--1385},
title = {Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise},
year = {2011},
author = {Gehrmann, Eva and Gl\"{a}{\ss}er, Christine and Jin, Yaochu and Sendhoff, Bernhard and Drossel, Barbara and Hamacher, Kay},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021913},
number = {2},
journal = {Physical Review E},
volume = {84},
pages = {021913},
title = {A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana},
year = {2011},
author = {Henkel, Sebastian and N\"{a}gele, Thomas and H\"{o}rmiller, Imke and Sauter, Thomas and Sawodny, Oliver and Ederer, Michael and Heyer, Arnd G},
doi = {10.1186/1687-4153-2011-2},
number = {1},
journal = {EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology},
volume = {2011},
pages = {2},
title = {Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade},
year = {2010},
author = {Zumsande, Martin and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.04.025},
number = {3},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {265},
pages = {481--491},
title = {General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling},
year = {2011},
author = {Zumsande, Martin and Stiefs, Dirk and Siegmund, Stefan and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1016/j.bone.2010.12.010},
number = {4},
journal = {Bone},
volume = {48},
pages = {910--917},
title = {Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation},
year = {2013},
author = {Scheff, Jeremy D. and Calvano, Steve E. and Androulakis, Ioannis P.},
doi = {10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.011},
journal = {Journal of Theoretical Biology},
volume = {338},
pages = {9--15},
title = {Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules},
year = {2010},
author = {Gehrmann, Eva and Drossel, Barbara},
doi = {10.1103/PhysRevE.82.046120},
number = {4},
journal = {Physical Review E},
volume = {82},
pages = {046120},
title = {The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators},
year = {2013},
author = {Reznik, Ed and Kaper, Tasso J. and Segr\`{e}, Daniel},
doi = {10.1063/1.4793573},
number = {1},
journal = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science},
volume = {23},
pages = {013132},
title = {Regime shifts in a social-ecological system},
year = {2013},
author = {Lade, Steven J. and Tavoni, Alessandro and Levin, Simon A. and Schl\"{u}ter, Maja},
doi = {10.1007/s12080-013-0187-3},
number = {3},
journal = {Theoretical Ecology},
volume = {6},
pages = {359--372},
title = {An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts},
year = {2015},
author = {Lade, Steven J. and Niiranen, Susa and Hentati-Sundberg, Jonas and Blenckner, Thorsten and Boonstra, Wiebren J. and Orach, Kirill and Quaas, Martin F. and \"{O}sterblom, Henrik and Schl\"{u}ter, Maja},
doi = {10.1073/pnas.1504954112},
number = {35},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
volume = {112},
pages = {11120--11125},
title = {Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems},
year = {2017},
author = {Lade, Steven J. and Niiranen, Susa},
doi = {10.1111/nrm.12129},
number = {3},
journal = {Natural Resource Modeling},
volume = {30},
pages = {e12129},
title = {Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis},
year = {2018},
author = {Ritterskamp, Daniel and Demirel, G\"{u}ven and MacCarthy, Bart L. and Rudolf, Lars and Champneys, Alan R. and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1063/1.5026746},
number = {7},
journal = {Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science},
volume = {28},
pages = {073103},
title = {Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling},
year = {2019},
author = {Demirel, G\"{u}ven and MacCarthy, Bart L. and Ritterskamp, Daniel and Champneys, Alan R. and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1002/joom.1005},
number = {2},
journal = {Journal of Operations Management},
volume = {65},
pages = {136--159},
title = {A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics},
year = {2021},
author = {Barter, Edmund and Brechtel, Andreas and Drossel, Barbara and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1098/rspa.2020.0742},
number = {2247},
journal = {Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
volume = {477},
pages = {20200742},
title = {Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach},
year = {2012},
author = {Lade, Steven J. and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002360},
number = {2},
journal = {PLoS Computational Biology},
volume = {8},
pages = {e1002360},
title = {Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications},
year = {2012},
author = {Do, Anne-Ly and H\"{o}fener, Johannes and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/115022},
number = {11},
journal = {New Journal of Physics},
volume = {14},
pages = {115022},
title = {Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point},
year = {2006},
author = {Knopf, B. and Flechsig, M. and Zickfeld, K.},
doi = {10.5194/npg-13-531-2006},
number = {5},
journal = {Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics},
volume = {13},
pages = {531--540},
title = {Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators},
year = {2011},
author = {H\"{o}fener, J. M. and Sethia, G. C. and Gross, T.},
doi = {10.1209/0295-5075/95/40002},
number = {4},
journal = {EPL (Europhysics Letters)},
volume = {95},
pages = {40002},
title = {Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators},
year = {2013},
author = {H\"{o}fener, Johannes M. and Sethia, Gautam C. and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.1098/rsta.2012.0462},
number = {1999},
journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences},
volume = {371},
pages = {20120462},
title = {Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems},
year = {2013},
author = {Kuehn, Christian and Gross, Thilo},
doi = {10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.693},
number = {3},
journal = {Discrete \& Continuous Dynamical Systems - B},
volume = {18},
pages = {693--720},
title = {Long food chains are in general chaotic},
year = {2005},
author = {Gross, Thilo and Ebenh\"{o}h, Wolfgang and Feudel, Ulrike},
doi = {10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13573.x},
number = {1},
journal = {Oikos},
volume = {109},
pages = {135--144},
DA - 2006
AV - nlin/0601061
A1 - Gross, Thilo
A2 - Feudel, Ulrike
DO - 10.1103/PhysRevE.73.016205
IS - 1
J1 - Physical Review E
SP - 016205
TI - Generalized models as a universal approach to the analysis of nonlinear dynamical systems
VO - 73
ER -
DA - 2004
A1 - Gross, Thilo
PB - Der Andere Verlag
CY - Tönning
TI - Population Dynamics: General Insights from Local Analysis
ER -
DA - 2011
AV - 1010.2406
A1 - Yeakel, Justin D.
A2 - Stiefs, Dirk
A3 - Novak, Mark
A4 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1007/s12080-011-0112-6
EP - 194
IS - 2
J1 - Theoretical Ecology
SP - 179
TI - Generalized modeling of ecological population dynamics
VO - 4
ER -
DA - 2012
AV - 1012.4340
A1 - Kuehn, Christian
A2 - Siegmund, Stefan
A3 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1093/imamat/hxs008
EP - 1077
IS - 5
J1 - IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
SP - 1051
TI - Dynamical analysis of evolution equations in generalized models
VO - 78
ER -
DA - 2022
AV - 2112.00360
A1 - Massing, Jana C.
A2 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.3389/fmolb.2022.825052
EP - 19
J1 - Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences
SP - 825052
TI - Generalized Structural Kinetic Modeling: A Survey and Guide
VO - 9
ER -
DA - 2009
A1 - Gross, Thilo
A2 - Rudolf, Lars
A3 - Levin, Simon A,
A4 - Dieckmann, Ulf
DO - 10.1126/science.1173536
EP - 750
IS - 5941
J1 - Science
SP - 747
TI - Generalized Models Reveal Stabilizing Factors in Food Webs
VO - 325
ER -
DA - 2012
A1 - Plitzko, Sebastian J.
A2 - Drossel, Barbara
A3 - Guill, Christian
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.04.008
EP - 14
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 7
TI - Complexity–stability relations in generalized food-web models with realistic parameters
VO - 306
ER -
DA - 2014
AV - 1409.7006
A1 - Yeakel, Justin D.
A2 - Pires, Mathias M.
A3 - Rudolf, Lars
A4 - Dominy, Nathaniel J.
AU - Koch, Paul L.
AU - Jr., Paulo R. Guimarães
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1073/pnas.1408471111
EP - 14477
IS - 40
J1 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
SP - 14472
TI - Collapse of an ecological network in Ancient Egypt
VO - 111
ER -
DA - 2013
AV - 1302.3757
A1 - Aufderheide, Helge
A2 - Rudolf, Lars
A3 - Gross, Thilo
A4 - Lafferty, Kevin D.
DO - 10.1098/rspb.2013.2355
IS - 1773
J1 - Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
SP - 20132355
TI - How to predict community responses to perturbations in the face of imperfect knowledge and network complexity
VO - 280
ER -
DA - 2010
A1 - Stiefs, Dirk
A2 - van Voorn, George A. K.
A3 - Kooi, Bob W.
A4 - Feudel, Ulrike
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1086/655429
EP - 380
IS - 3
J1 - The American Naturalist
SP - 367
TI - Food Quality in Producer‐Grazer Models: A Generalized Analysis
VO - 176
ER -
DA - 2016
A1 - Aldebert, C.
A2 - Nerini, D.
A3 - Gauduchon, M.
A4 - Poggiale, J.C.
DO - 10.1016/j.ecocom.2016.05.004
EP - 173
J1 - Ecological Complexity
SP - 163
TI - Structural sensitivity and resilience in a predator–prey model with density-dependent mortality
VO - 28
ER -
DA - 2019
A1 - Aldebert, Clement
A2 - Kooi, Bob W.
A3 - Nerini, David
A4 - Gauduchon, Mathias
AU - Poggiale, Jean-Christophe
DO - 10.1137/18M1189257
EP - 395
IS - 1
J1 - SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
SP - 377
TI - Three-Dimensional Bifurcation Analysis of a Predator-Prey Model with Uncertain Formulation
VO - 79
ER -
DA - 2014
A1 - Yeakel, Justin D.
A2 - Mangel, Marc
DO - 10.1007/s12080-014-0230-z
EP - 13
IS - 1
J1 - Theoretical Ecology
SP - 1
TI - A generalized perturbation approach for exploring stock recruitment relationships
VO - 8
ER -
DA - 2007
A1 - Baurmann, Martin
A2 - Gross, Thilo
A3 - Feudel, Ulrike
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2006.09.036
EP - 229
IS - 2
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 220
TI - Instabilities in spatially extended predator–prey systems: Spatio-temporal patterns in the neighborhood of Turing–Hopf bifurcations
VO - 245
ER -
DA - 2018
AV - 1803.03475
A1 - Doizy, Anna
A2 - Barter, Edmund
A3 - Memmott, Jane
A4 - Varnham, Karen
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1038/s41598-018-31423-4
IS - 1
J1 - Scientific Reports
SP - 13245
TI - Impact of cyber-invasive species on a large ecological network
VO - 8
ER -
DA - 2009
A1 - Stiefs, Dirk
A2 - Venturino, Ezio
A3 - Feudel, Ulrike
DO - 10.3934/mbe.2009.6.855
EP - 871
IS - 4
J1 - Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
SP - 855
TI - Evidence of chaos in eco-epidemic models
VO - 6
ER -
DA - 2021
A1 - Awender, Stefan
A2 - Wackerbauer, Renate
A3 - Breed, Greg A.
DO - 10.1063/5.0029934
IS - 2
J1 - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
SP - 023106
TI - Stability of generalized ecological-network models
VO - 31
ER -
DA - 2016
AV - 1305.2769
A1 - Tromeur, Eric
A2 - Rudolf, Lars
A3 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2015.11.029
EP - 11
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 1
TI - Impact of dispersal on the stability of metapopulations
VO - 392
ER -
DA - 2016
AV - 1507.08860
A1 - Gramlich, Philipp
A2 - Plitzko, Sebastian J.
A3 - Rudolf, Lars
A4 - Drossel, Barbara
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2016.03.015
EP - 161
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 150
TI - The influence of dispersal on a predator–prey system with two habitats
VO - 398
ER -
DA - 2018
AV - 1610.07635
A1 - Brechtel, Andreas
A2 - Gramlich, Philipp
A3 - Ritterskamp, Daniel
A4 - Drossel, Barbara
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.032307
IS - 3
J1 - Physical Review E
SP - 032307
TI - Master stability functions reveal diffusion-driven pattern formation in networks
VO - 97
ER -
DA - 2019
AV - 1904.00874
A1 - Brechtel, Andreas
A2 - Gross, Thilo
A3 - Drossel, Barbara
DO - 10.1038/s41598-019-48731-y
IS - 1
J1 - Scientific Reports
SP - 12268
TI - Far-ranging generalist top predators enhance the stability of meta-foodwebs
VO - 9
ER -
DA - 2008
AV - 0906.0381
A1 - Gross, Thilo
A2 - Feudel, Ulrike
DO - 10.1007/s10236-008-0165-2
EP - 427
IS - 2
J1 - Ocean Dynamics
SP - 417
TI - Local dynamical equivalence of certain food webs
VO - 59
ER -
DA - 2012
AV - 1205.6074
A1 - Aufderheide, Helge
A2 - Rudolf, Lars
A3 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1088/1367-2630/14/10/105014
IS - 10
J1 - New Journal of Physics
SP - 105014
TI - Mesoscale symmetries explain dynamical equivalence of food webs
VO - 14
ER -
DA - 2006
AV - q-bio/0602002
A1 - Steuer, R.
A2 - Gross, T.
A3 - Selbig, J.
A4 - Blasius, B.
DO - 10.1073/pnas.0600013103
EP - 11873
IS - 32
J1 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
SP - 11868
TI - Structural kinetic modeling of metabolic networks
VO - 103
ER -
DA - 2010
A1 - Reznik, Ed
A2 - Segrè, Daniel
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.07.023
EP - 549
IS - 4
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 536
TI - On the stability of metabolic cycles
VO - 266
ER -
DA - 2007
A1 - Steuer, R.
A2 - Nesi, A. N.
A3 - Fernie, A. R.
A4 - Gross, T.
AU - Blasius, B.
AU - Selbig, J.
DO - 10.1093/bioinformatics/btm065
EP - 1385
IS - 11
J1 - Bioinformatics
SP - 1378
TI - From structure to dynamics of metabolic pathways: application to the plant mitochondrial TCA cycle
VO - 23
ER -
DA - 2011
A1 - Gehrmann, Eva
A2 - Gläßer, Christine
A3 - Jin, Yaochu
A4 - Sendhoff, Bernhard
AU - Drossel, Barbara
AU - Hamacher, Kay
DO - 10.1103/PhysRevE.84.021913
IS - 2
J1 - Physical Review E
SP - 021913
TI - Robustness of glycolysis in yeast to internal and external noise
VO - 84
ER -
DA - 2011
A1 - Henkel, Sebastian
A2 - Nägele, Thomas
A3 - Hörmiller, Imke
A4 - Sauter, Thomas
AU - Sawodny, Oliver
AU - Ederer, Michael
AU - Heyer, Arnd G
DO - 10.1186/1687-4153-2011-2
IS - 1
J1 - EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
SP - 2
TI - A systems biology approach to analyse leaf carbohydrate metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana
VO - 2011
ER -
DA - 2010
A1 - Zumsande, Martin
A2 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2010.04.025
EP - 491
IS - 3
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 481
TI - Bifurcations and chaos in the MAPK signaling cascade
VO - 265
ER -
DA - 2011
AV - 1010.1239
A1 - Zumsande, Martin
A2 - Stiefs, Dirk
A3 - Siegmund, Stefan
A4 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1016/j.bone.2010.12.010
EP - 917
IS - 4
J1 - Bone
SP - 910
TI - General analysis of mathematical models for bone remodeling
VO - 48
ER -
DA - 2013
A1 - Scheff, Jeremy D.
A2 - Calvano, Steve E.
A3 - Androulakis, Ioannis P.
DO - 10.1016/j.jtbi.2013.08.011
EP - 15
J1 - Journal of Theoretical Biology
SP - 9
TI - Predicting critical transitions in a model of systemic inflammation
VO - 338
ER -
DA - 2010
A1 - Gehrmann, Eva
A2 - Drossel, Barbara
DO - 10.1103/PhysRevE.82.046120
IS - 4
J1 - Physical Review E
SP - 046120
TI - Boolean versus continuous dynamics on simple two-gene modules
VO - 82
ER -
DA - 2013
A1 - Reznik, Ed
A2 - Kaper, Tasso J.
A3 - Segrè, Daniel
DO - 10.1063/1.4793573
IS - 1
J1 - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
SP - 013132
TI - The dynamics of hybrid metabolic-genetic oscillators
VO - 23
ER -
DA - 2013
A1 - Lade, Steven J.
A2 - Tavoni, Alessandro
A3 - Levin, Simon A.
A4 - Schlüter, Maja
DO - 10.1007/s12080-013-0187-3
EP - 372
IS - 3
J1 - Theoretical Ecology
SP - 359
TI - Regime shifts in a social-ecological system
VO - 6
ER -
DA - 2015
A1 - Lade, Steven J.
A2 - Niiranen, Susa
A3 - Hentati-Sundberg, Jonas
A4 - Blenckner, Thorsten
AU - Boonstra, Wiebren J.
AU - Orach, Kirill
AU - Quaas, Martin F.
AU - Österblom, Henrik
AU - Schlüter, Maja
DO - 10.1073/pnas.1504954112
EP - 11125
IS - 35
J1 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
SP - 11120
TI - An empirical model of the Baltic Sea reveals the importance of social dynamics for ecological regime shifts
VO - 112
ER -
DA - 2017
A1 - Lade, Steven J.
A2 - Niiranen, Susa
DO - 10.1111/nrm.12129
IS - 3
J1 - Natural Resource Modeling
SP - e12129
TI - Generalized modeling of empirical social-ecological systems
VO - 30
ER -
DA - 2018
A1 - Ritterskamp, Daniel
A2 - Demirel, Güven
A3 - MacCarthy, Bart L.
A4 - Rudolf, Lars
AU - Champneys, Alan R.
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1063/1.5026746
IS - 7
J1 - Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
SP - 073103
TI - Revealing instabilities in a generalized triadic supply network: A bifurcation analysis
VO - 28
ER -
DA - 2019
A1 - Demirel, Güven
A2 - MacCarthy, Bart L.
A3 - Ritterskamp, Daniel
A4 - Champneys, Alan R.
AU - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1002/joom.1005
EP - 159
IS - 2
J1 - Journal of Operations Management
SP - 136
TI - Identifying dynamical instabilities in supply networks using generalized modeling
VO - 65
ER -
DA - 2021
AV - 1910.09698
A1 - Barter, Edmund
A2 - Brechtel, Andreas
A3 - Drossel, Barbara
A4 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1098/rspa.2020.0742
IS - 2247
J1 - Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
SP - 20200742
TI - A closed form for Jacobian reconstruction from time series and its application as an early warning signal in network dynamics
VO - 477
ER -
DA - 2012
AV - 1107.3639
A1 - Lade, Steven J.
A2 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002360
IS - 2
J1 - PLoS Computational Biology
SP - e1002360
TI - Early Warning Signals for Critical Transitions: A Generalized Modeling Approach
VO - 8
ER -
DA - 2012
AV - 1207.1319
A1 - Do, Anne-Ly
A2 - Höfener, Johannes
A3 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1088/1367-2630/14/11/115022
IS - 11
J1 - New Journal of Physics
SP - 115022
TI - Engineering mesoscale structures with distinct dynamical implications
VO - 14
ER -
DA - 2006
A1 - Knopf, B.
A2 - Flechsig, M.
A3 - Zickfeld, K.
DO - 10.5194/npg-13-531-2006
EP - 540
IS - 5
J1 - Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
SP - 531
TI - Multi-parameter uncertainty analysis of a bifurcation point
VO - 13
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DA - 2011
AV - 1010.3557
A1 - Höfener, J. M.
A2 - Sethia, G. C.
A3 - Gross, T.
DO - 10.1209/0295-5075/95/40002
IS - 4
J1 - EPL (Europhysics Letters)
SP - 40002
TI - Stability of networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators
VO - 95
ER -
DA - 2013
A1 - Höfener, Johannes M.
A2 - Sethia, Gautam C.
A3 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.1098/rsta.2012.0462
IS - 1999
J1 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
SP - 20120462
TI - Amplitude death in networks of delay-coupled delay oscillators
VO - 371
ER -
DA - 2013
AV - 1105.3662
A1 - Kuehn, Christian
A2 - Gross, Thilo
DO - 10.3934/dcdsb.2013.18.693
EP - 720
IS - 3
J1 - Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B
SP - 693
TI - Nonlocal generalized models of predator-prey systems
VO - 18
ER -
DA - 2005
A1 - Gross, Thilo
A2 - Ebenhöh, Wolfgang
A3 - Feudel, Ulrike
DO - 10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13573.x
EP - 144
IS - 1
J1 - Oikos
SP - 135
TI - Long food chains are in general chaotic
VO - 109
ER -